Beer flowed, music blared, and friends mingled. All seemed right with the world. After a couple of years of not-so-ordinary iterations, last Saturday’s Lageraplooza made lager fans forget the recent past.
The two-pronged event — a homebrew competition and lager-centric craft beer festival — provides lager lovers an opportunity to enjoy some of the area’s finest.
Bohemian Brewery played host to the May 7 event. To learn more about what you may have missed (or experienced, if you were there), I invite you to read an article I wrote about Lagerpalooza 2022 and listen to a podcast episode with the primary players.
Paul Konopelksi, with co-brewer Dave Elske, nabbed Best of Show honors with a Czech Amber Lager called Simply Elegant. In total, 88 entries were judged.
Winning Ways
Each beer that wins Gold in a sub-category is eligible to vie for Best of Show honors.
Zachary Belles, a member of the Lauter Day Brewers homebrew club, picked up four medals on the day, a gold, a silver, and two bronze. Scott and Dave Anderson won two golds and a bronze.
Attendees at the Lagerpalooza festival sampled the previous year’s Best in Show winner. In this case, we were treated to Chaz Smith’s Nala’s Nectar, a beer that took top honors in 2020.
Smith also won a quartet of medals in 2022. He grabbed gold in the Strong Lagers and India Pale Lagers categories, as well as silver in Dark Lagers and bronze in Standard Amber Lagers.
Lagerpalooza Best of Show
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Paul Konopelski; Co-Brewer: Dave Elske | Simply Elegant | 3C: Czech Amber Lager | |
Winning Entries
Table 1: Lawnmower Beers (10 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Scott Anderson; Co-Brewer: Dave Anderson | What the Hell | 4A: Munich Helles | |
2nd | Jake McQueen | Hola, Queen | 2A: International Pale Lager | |
3rd | Hunter Conley | Honey Helles | 4A: Munich Helles | |
Table 2: Standard Amber Lagers (9 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Paul Konopelski; Co-Brewer: Dave Elske | Simply Elegant | 3C: Czech Amber Lager | |
2nd | Jeffrey Balch | Yeastie Boys | 2B: International Amber Lager | |
3rd | Chaz Smith | Valley View | 7A: Vienna Lager | Lauter Day Brewers |
Table 3: Czech Pale Lagers (7 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Scott Anderson; Co-Brewer: Dave Anderson | Czech Please | 3B: Czech Premium Pale Lager | |
2nd | Kathryn Smith; Co-Brewer: Mathis Zimmermann | Scenic Route Czech Pilsner | 3B: Czech Premium Pale Lager | |
3rd | Michael Felix | Prague Rock Pilsner | 3B: Czech Premium Pale Lager | Lauter Day Brewers |
Table 4: Dark Lagers (11 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Carl Teachey | Menaker | 2C: International Dark Lager | Winston-Salem Wort Hawgs Homebrew Club |
2nd | Chaz Smith | Brigadoon Black | 8B: Schwarzbier | Lauter Day Brewers |
3rd | David Buchanan | Forbidden Perle | 8B: Schwarzbier | |
Table 5: Strong Lagers (8 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Chaz Smith | Lostcreek Lager | 4B: Festbier | Lauter Day Brewers |
2nd | David Fetty | Schnettlerator | 9A: Doppelbock | Brixie’s Brewers |
3rd | Zachary Belles | Belles Bock | 4C: Helles Bock | Lauter Day Brewers |
Table 6: Pale German Bier (7 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Zachary Belles | Carolina Mustache | 5C: German Exportbier | Lauter Day Brewers |
2nd | Guy Grady | Leichtsaber | 5A: German Leichtbier | Central Arkansas Fermenters |
3rd | David Buchanan | Skinny Dipping Spring Kölsch | 5B: Kolsch | |
Table 7: Pilsner (10 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Ryan Henline | New Zealand Pilsner | PRX5: New Zealand Pilsner | |
2nd | Zachary Belles | Randy Panini-Makers Poolside Palace | 5D: German Pils | Lauter Day Brewers |
3rd | Zachary Belles | Home-Woven Handy-Crafts | 34B: Mixed-Style Beer | Lauter Day Brewers |
Table 8: Strong(er) Amber Lagers (11 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Jeffrey Balch | Dark Helmut | 8A: Munich Dunkel | |
2nd | Scott DeVelbiss | Rauchbier | 6B: Rauchbier | |
3rd | Scott Anderson; Co-Brewer: Dave Anderson | Bier Hund | 7B: Altbier | |
Table 9: IPL (6 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Chaz Smith | Bright | 21B: Specialty IPA | Lauter Day Brewers |
2nd | Christian Johnson | Lake Shot Brut IPA | 21B: Specialty IPA | |
3rd | John Erste | Blackeye, Pa | 21B: Specialty IPA | Little Mountain Homebrewers Association |
Table 10: The Rest (Table of Randos) (9 entries)
Place | Brewer | Entry Name | Style | Club |
1st | Chad Faulstick | Uncle Dunkel | 30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer | |
2nd | Guy Grady | Lime Tree Lager | 29A: Fruit Beer | Central Arkansas Fermenters |
3rd | Jason Sanders | Diggity Dank Citra | 34C: Experimental Beer | |

Results tables from the 7th Annual Lagerpalooza courtesy of Lagerpalooza organizers.